Story of an arrgant fool king  

Peace and blessings be upon you. This servant of yours is doing his best to serve you. Rahatha... King Salamat looked at him and responded to his greeting with a gesture of his hand and then turned to his minister, Batad Bir Bur Hanuddin, who was sitting on the right side. King Salamat was busy at the moment. Maybe that's why he didn't pay attention, he fell asleep and stood in a corner of the court. King Salamat was talking to his minister for a long time. He looked anxious and expectant. He was looking at King Salamat from the side. He thought that maybe he would be interested in that direction later. There is no other mourner left. King Salamat had finished his conversation with the minister and stood at the door with questioning eyes. Looked at the herald. No, the herald said. Well, the court is requested, the sound of King Salam's bar is in the court. All the doors of the court began to open. Privately They did not want to meet, he thought in his heart and he kept watching the courtiers passing through the door, until the whole court was empty. Khudam was also standing near the door. King Salamat did not even look at him while passing by and went out. Bad Shah Salamat did not disappear from his eyes, he did not remove those eyes, then he moved from his place to the door one by one. His face was full of grief. It happened that he was riding on a horse and gave him a heel. After a while, his horse was talking to him. He was the royal physician of his country, Greece. His name was Hakim Dawood. He was a very capable and intelligent man. Every man, including King Salamat of Yunnan, looked at him with a look of dismay. About a year ago, the king of his neighboring country suddenly fell from his horse, which caused his fall to slip and the king shook his neck. Q It was confirmed that his neck was stiff. The royal doctors of his country tried very hard to somehow put the seals on the king's neck back in their place, but they did not work. The king was in great pain with a stiff neck. It was getting heavy for him to spend every single moment. These days, Yu Nan Hakeem Dawood this neighboring country