My darling my princess angl

ha ha ha hi But she used to do a lot of mischief and she used to think about it all day long. One such day, she had gone to the kitchen to get the salad after eating peas and putting them on the table. Naya madam had filled a glass and poured water in the bowl. As the khichdim was made, Nazea's anger was digested. It was fine, but when she remembered her mother, Hania started crying. Now Nazia was crying every step of the bathroom and Hania was inside. After a while, Hania's father Asad also came. Asad He started talking to her and said, "Do it, Father, do the same. Asad first knocked or opened the door. He also knocked or opened the door from the other side. May Asad be happy." Gaya became m. Asad again said, "I open the latch", Naya also uttered the same words. Asad moved the latch back and forth and said, "I have opened the latch". Hania's mischief was known throughout the family. Because of these mischiefs, Hania was loved by everyone. Today was the departure of Hania's little brother. Asad sent his sister away, but she was still unknown. When all the guests had gone, Nazia looked at Asad, but where is she? Now Asad's control was broken. The car was ringing. Na Zia was feeling bad. Asad picked up the key of the bike and said I was going. I filed an FIR. Ti was crying. That's when a small voice came from under the tibel. Mamma Mamma Hana sat on her mother's lap, rubbing her eyes. At that time, she often woke up from hunger. This voice brightened the faces of the family members, everyone started laughing loudly. Asad lifted Hania in his lap. His wickedness has taken away our lives. Someone even sleeps under the table. Na Zia bowed in gratitude. And she started thinking about whose mothers' children are really lost or kidnapped. What doomsday will happen to these mothers. May Allah protect all children, Amen.