My true love true story If love is true, it will be found part(17)

Rishna went and told them. Those people forgot everyone else. The good people are the in-laws of Ahamar Bhai.


  This was his opinion on his return,

everyone else remained silent and they went to his car. After dropping them at her mother's house, Rashna went to her house from outside. Mother wanted Rashna to do Tobiah's shopping but Rashna did it. He apologized. Ami, you don't know about my engagement, you should make Farwa with Shamsa, both of them will do something together. Ami did not insist too much that she understood Wahab's mood. Kamran's car was very useful in preparation for the crime. Shamsa would send him a message and he would drive. Your driver did not go on leave again. One day when Shamsa went to give clothes to the tailor and she was alone in the car, Maran was very serious. Asked Gee. What does it mean, he didn't understand at all. I just keep waiting. In the hospital, I pay less attention and more on the road. I wonder if you need a colift again today. Then he opened up. Kar laughed. Your job is very responsible. Please try to focus your attention inside the hospital. But his words repeatedly forced him to stop smiling by pressing his lower lip under his teeth. It is true that if the heart is happy, the smile always remains on the face. Arguing with the shopkeepers would have been good. Look, sir, marriage is only one time and the bridegroom buys with only one wish. You are spoiling the beauty of these memorable moments by arguing. It was hit. And if you spend too much, the quality of life will be spoiled later. You have thought about this. You have made a face. Give it to the right person. The shortage will be due to us. That will be later. It will be done by a lady, don't insist. It's the first time you come to our shop. It's a happy occasion and think what they will say. You didn't spend two or four thousand more for them. Can. Apa and Kamran buy clothes with interest and his smileAnd giving feedback. I don't know what the shopkeeper thought. I really didn't think about it. Maran seemed really embarrassed. Oh, I'll be happy to have such an understanding.

Let's go, you also joined, it was impossible for her to sit there. All the way they both kept laughing at the talk of the shopkeeper and she kept hiding her face in the sheet. They didn't have much loved ones. Those who were going to meet them. They came only to attend the ceremony in the evening and after that there was silence during the day. Shamsa Apa's children were having monthly tests. She also could not come before the day of mehndi. Rishna's children were disturbed by staying here, so she also came only for a few hours in the evening. In the evening, if everyone was together, it would have been fun, Kamran. And Rashamsa Apa's son would sit holding the drum and sing songs in such a way that the listeners would burst out laughing. So what will happen? Shamsa Apa said on their heart. Amy seems to have taken care of herself, but inside They are completely broken, the atmosphere is sad again. Rishna, don't you pick up an awkward rhythm. Rishna was not liking his frank manner anyway. That was not good for him. That mouth. But her daughters were busy clapping loudly and singing, Come on, Ahmar, enjoy these hours of freedom. I am enjoying seeing you. It seems. Hey, you didn't pay as much attention to medical education as you did to learn to play the drums. Hey, I learned this skill when I was a child. And this beat my art