The story of the golden ball and the seven dwarfs

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Assalamualaikum, dear children, it was a matter of time that Ayesha Nazia, the beloved daughter of the king of Greece, told her father one day that she did not want to go for a walk. The king was busy with state affairs, he said to princess Ayesha. As soon as you get free time, you will be taken for a walk in the mountains, the river and the forest. Princess Aisha was only seven years old. When he had free time, he would take us. He did not resist at all like good children. A few days later, when the king had free time, he took Princess Ayesha with him for a walk. All preparations were soon completed. Next. The day they had to go on a journey. Princess Aisha was very happy. The next day they reached the river. There were also mountains near the river. There was also a forest. Princess Aisha was running here and there. The maids who took care of her The attendants accompanying the king were busy preparing lunch. The aroma of food was in the air. After a while, Shahi Baruchi announced that the food was ready. People came. There was a great thing about the king. When he was eating with his companions and servants on the same table. Princess Aisha turned to wash her hands and saw an old man leaning against a tree. He was very sad. Princess Aisha thought that it was time to eat. But the old man did not have anything to eat. She ran to him, said Islam and then said, "We are all eating. If you also join us." We will be happy if we sit down and eat. The old man was feeling very hungry. He was very happy after hearing the princess's words and got up and walked with her. When she reached the king, the princess said, "O Lord, let this elder also eat with us." I will eat. The king said cheerfully, "Of course." Then he made the old man sit with him. He was very happy that the princess had thought of a hungry person without telling anyone. When they finished, the old man got up, he said to the princess, stay alive, you have fought with a very good and good heart. May God bless you, Princess Aisha said. "Feeding someone who is honorable is a reward." We are glad that You accepted our invitation. The old man took out a big golden ball from his pocket and said to the princess. This is the reward of your good heart. Princess Aisha said to the king, "O my lord, if you allow, we can take this ball. King." said yes, princess, you can take this ball. The princess took the ball, the old man said to the king that you are lucky to have such a good and virtuous daughter. A beautiful fairy was standing there smiling. Everyone was shocked to see this, the fairy said. I went out to roam around in Paristan. I saw you people here, so I thought I would test you. I am happy that you are a king. Even though the poor man cares, your daughter is very good. The princess was very happy to receive the ball. She carefully kept it with her. On reaching the palace, the princess showed the new ball to the queen, so she thought that the king had given it to her, but when the princess told her the fairy tale, she was surprised. When night came, princess Aisha carefully took the ball. The leaves were placed on a table in the room. Some time had passed when suddenly there was a ringing in the room. The sound was coming from the ball. And not only the sound was coming, but also colorful rays of light were coming out of it, princess. went to the ball and looked at it with interest, suddenly a small part of the ball opened like a door and

Seven dwarfs came out one by one. They were wearing beautiful silk dresses. They bowed down and greeted the princess. One dwarf said, "We will make seven dwarfs out of this magic ball every night." Each of us dwarfs will tell a new story every day. The seven dwarfs jumped up and sat on the princess's bed. One dwarf began to tell the story. When the story was over, the dwarfs yawned and said goodnight to the princess. And went back into his ball.