Story of 13 parts of shakti card

The identity card is the gift of every Pakistani, but very few people will be familiar with it. No one has told you the meaning of the thirteen digit code written on the identity card. The first five numbers of the identity card begin. as. one, two, one, trip, one. The first letter in it, [one], which indicates the province. whose identification numbers start with [one], Those people who are residents of [KP] [KP] whose ID card numbers start with [two]. They are residents of FATA. Similarly, [three] for Punjab, [four] for Sindh, [four] for Baluchistan, [five] for Islamabad, [six] for Gilgit Mulistan, [seven] for Kashmir and [eight] for Kashmir are [five]. The second digit in the numeric code indicates your division. For example, the second digit in the code is [two] which indicates DI Khan. The remaining [three] indicates your district from India. Tehsil and Union Council. The seven-digit code in the middle indicates your family number. The last number after the [dash] indicates your gender. For males, this number is always will be odd. For example [one []three []five []seven[]nine[. For women this number will always be even, for example [two[]four[]six[]eight[.If you Like the information if you like it.